The unique feature of the Cool Calculator is that you can DRAG your calculated results to one of the Memory Buttons and drop it and then re-use it.
The Cool Calculator includes not just a Cool Calculator, but also a Measurement Conversion Utility, Amortization Utility and get Current Currency Conversions.
With this Version you get all this:
- Copy your Calculated Result to the Clipboard
- Conversions That Copy results to the Clipboard
- Debt Calculator with Amortization Schedule
- Currency Conversion (Internet Connection Required)
- Tax and Discount Buttons (iPad Only)
- Change your Button Backgrounds
- New Hi-Res Backgrounds for Retna Displays
- New Hi-Res Buttons for Retna Displays
- The Background Image moves with the device
- Save Your Memory slots and recall them at a later time.
- Additional Hi-Res Button Images to Choose From
- Change the Font and Size on the Calculator Buttons
- Additional Hi-Res Background Images from Dienzo Fine Art Photo
- Help screens on the iPad to learn how to use the app.
With an In-App Purchase you get:
- No Ads
Try The Cool Calculator Today!!!! You will not be disappointed!